All You Need to Know About Dental Veneers
Teeth are a sensitive subject for many. While there are a number of health issues that can occur related to the mouth, including periodontal disease, most people are actually worried about the appearance of their smile. Media often depicts regular individuals as having a mouth full of gleaming, straight, white teeth. The truth is most humans are not born with this kind of smile because the brain grew too large and pushed the jaw out of alignment.
To improve a person’s self-confidence, many dentists now practice a field known as cosmetic dentistry. This field focuses on fixing the overall appearance of the teeth to create a smile that makes a patient happy. One of the most common procedures performed is the application of dental veneers. Veneers can not only fix damaged teeth, but they are further a great way to keep the natural teeth healthy and strong.
What Is a Veneer?
A veneer is a thin shell made of ceramic, porcelain, or a synthetic resin. The shell is placed over the teeth and cemented into place, adding a layer of protection as well as aesthetic changes to the overall appearance of the teeth. Veneers can last up to 25 years when well-maintained and are easy to care for, requiring only basic brushing and trips to the dentist to keep the gums clean.
The point behind a veneer is to give an individual a “your teeth but better” appearance. The color can be changed from yellow to white without bleaching, and the overall shape of the crowns can be elongated or corrected for a more even look. Almost everyone on TV and in movies from the last few decades has had some sort of veneers installed, especially if they are expected to be a regular TV personality.
The Veneer Installation Procedure
The process of receiving veneers is simple and straightforward. The first step is contacting a trained and qualified dentist who will perform a thorough visual and tactile exam of the mouth to see if you are a candidate for veneers. Here at Ultra White Dental, our resident expert is Dr. Suzanne George, a Katy dentist with many years of experience. After the exam, it is common to have x-rays taken of the mouth to search for any underlying damage, and to also thoroughly clean the teeth and gums.
If you do qualify for veneers, then the dentist will need to remove no more than 0.5 mm. of enamel from the front and sides of the teeth that will be covered. This is necessary to ensure the veneer does not change your natural bite pattern and jaw alignment. Afterward, a mold or impression is done of the affected teeth. This mold will be used to produce your dental appliances. A veneer can be done to a single tooth or an entire row of teeth depending on your unique situation.
The process of making the mold can take a few days, so the dentist will give you temporary veneers to wear during regular activities like eating and drinking. This is so the exposed tooth does not become damaged or dirty in the interim.
When the veneers arrived, the patient returns to the dentist, has the teeth checked again, and then it is determined whether or not the veneer fits. If it does, it is then bonded to the tooth, and the patient is ready to return to their normal activities.
Who Can Receive Veneers?
Veneers are a dental procedure that is suitable for adults and elders. They should not be placed on children because the jaw is not done shifting and aligning. Any adult can have a veneer placed without having any underlying concerns, but veneers are frequently worn by the following individuals:
- Someone with damaged or chipped teeth
- Someone experiencing discoloration
- Someone with uneven or jagged teeth
- Some with a gap between the front teeth
Veneers are available in a variety of materials, so it’s important to have a conversation with the dentist about whether porcelain or resin would work well for you. If this is a procedure you would be interested in, make an appointment today to see a professional here at Ultra White Dental.