Emergency Dentistry In Katy, TX
Dental emergencies can range from minor injuries to major ones, including teeth that have been fractured, loosened, or knocked out entirely. Your lips, gums, or cheeks may also have been damaged in some way. These injuries should receive medical attention as soon as possible. At Ultra White Dental, we offer emergency dental care to patients in the Katy area.
When an emergency occurs, contact your dentist at Ultra White Dental immediately to repair the damages that may have occurred. In some cases, you may be able to wait until a regular appointment can be made. In other cases, getting to our office quickly can be the difference between losing a tooth and saving it. Teeth that have been knocked out but put back in place within 15 minutes to an hour have the best chance of surviving. Here are some steps you can take to treat a dental emergency when it occurs.
Avulsed (knocked-out) tooth
To save a tooth that has been knocked out, retrieve it, handling it only by the crown rather than the root, so that you avoid causing damage to vital cells needed for successful bone reattachment. Rinse it gently with cold water, but do not use soap. It’s essential that the tooth doesn’t dry out, so keep it in a clean container of milk or saliva to bring with you to the dentist. At our office in Katy, we will attempt to put it back in place immediately.
Chipped/broken tooth
In some cases, a fractured tooth may not cause any pain, and can generally wait to be treated until regular office hours at your dentist office. Until you can receive treatment, apply dental cement on the affected tooth to keep it protected, and to relieve any discomfort. Do not apply acetaminophen to the tooth. However, you may take an over-the-counter painkiller if necessary.
Toothache/sore gums
A toothache or soreness in the gums is usually a sign of a more significant problem. It is crucial to make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible so that they can determine the cause of your pain. An infection or cavities could cause a toothache, and sore gums could be a sign of gum disease. In either case, prompt treatment will be needed to restore your mouth’s health.